Friday Faves – 6.26.15

062615Q2 shot to hell?   Or are you celebrating?  Here are some good ideas to head you in the right direction.

The 8 Biggest Challenges In Sales Now – You could make the #1 argument 8 times.  Disintermediation from the decision maker is also a candidate for #1.

Stop Worrying About How Much You Matter – We sometimes think the world revolves around us.  After this, you won’t.

Assessment: What’s Your Leadership Style? – An interesting, revealing self-assessment for leaders.

S.A.S.S (Stupid Ass Sales Strategy) – Does your process support what you promise?

Still Not Getting Referrals? Here’s What You’re Missing – As before, the most underutilized tool in our sales kit.

WISDOM GOES OUT THE WINDOW WHEN EMOTION COMES THROUGH THE DOOR – Get a pillow or nerf ball to kick or throw when you get off that annoying call, instead of showing your frustration to the client.

Pulling a hat out of a rabbit – Expect surprises.