Friday Faves – 8.12.16

081216Summertime is like when the treadmill program increases the incline.  What do you do?  Press on, with MORE effort, or just try to get through it till you hit level ground again?

Keeping Customers Continuously Infatuated – Consider how there is a rise in satisfaction, engagement and follow through after you meet with a client.  Then, consider how that energy fades, requiring another engagement to re-ignite the interest.

How to Stay Motivated When Everyone Else Is on Vacation – As I have always maintained, there is progress to be made, just in different ways.  Consider this if you work the “Tweener” week, between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

It happens around the edges – A good reminder to step outside your comfort zone – randomly, not regularly.

Answering “I’m happy with who I’m buying from” – Some good ideas for dealing with an upfront/gatekeeper objection.

Making Space for What Is Most Important – Though not a fan of elephant hunting, spending your time where you get the best return is a cornerstone of effective resource management.

A COLD Call Voice Mail; Your Thoughts? – My thoughts?  In one word – OY!

Think Sales Reps Will Become Obsolete? Think Again – Only sales reps who ALLOW themselves to become obsolete will.  Failure to learn, adapt, be aware of industry changes will do so.

Seven Personality Traits of Top Salespeople – This (#4 in particular) relates to the previous post.  #5 surprised me, though.  Any surprises for you?  If you are a top performer, do you feel you exhibit these traits?

Friday Faves – 2.5.16

020516As we hurtle through “resolution season,” the 90 days after New Years Day, are you still on track?  Maybe some of your initial plans were faulty, but changing course and bagging it to go back to yesterday’s methods will get you yesterday’s results.  Here are some good ideas to help you stick with it.

Why Will They Say No? – Objections are a daily fact of life.  Dealing with them makes the difference.

How Will You Use Your Extra Day? – Some great ideas to make this Leap Year extra day productive.

If You Are Not Asking, You Are Not Selling – The Xs and Os of selling so many sellers take for granted.

There’s no need for alarm – Your emergency isn’t mine.


Friday Faves – 1.29.15

012916One month into Q1.  So, how you doin’?   Ahead of your plan, looking forward to get a head start on Q2, putting additional attention to current clients?  Or regrouping, ditching parts or all of your plan?  No matter where you stand, here are some good ideas to get or keep you moving forward.

Eventually, snow melts – No, this is not a shot at my former neighbors snowed in last weekend, but more a “there’s no time like the present” testimony.

What is Not Why – Here’s an example of the complexity of objection handling.

How I Learned to Leave a Message – I will listen to ANY idea that can help increase my callbacks.  Maybe you should, too?


Friday Faves – 10.30.15

103015Some treats to read between visits from the kids.

Don’t Clean Your Desk – Good ideas to keep focused on priorities.

How to Create an Effective Lead Follow-Up System – What good does a lead do you without timely follow up?

An Effective Sales Strategy to Beat “We’re Happy with Our Current Provider” – Any client worth having is already working with a competitor.  An interesting approach to dealing with that.

This Is Not Prospecting – Dartboard prospecting hurts, rather than helps you.  Here’s proof positive.


Friday Faves – 9.26.14

fall2Busy time as the quarter ends.  Hope yours was great and you’ve already started on Q4.

Some ideas here may help you crush it.

Your Why Do List – An interesting take on personal productivity.

Biggest Sales Meeting Mistakes – I’ve been on the receiving and (I confess) giving end of some of these.

Producers and consumers – A different view of “controlling the sale.”

Common Sales Objections: Interpreted and Translated – Honest – do you recognize these?

 6 Ways to Beat Lower-Priced Competitors – Yes, differentiate to create value.

Friday Faves – 8.1.14

tough thumbs upHalfway through summer, 1/3 through for what most of us is the toughest quarter.

Be tougher! (Like this guy.)

The Invaluable Nature of Mistakes – Sometimes we learn more from our failures than our successes.

The Subtle Art of the Follow Up – Subtle is important.  Relentless even more.

If you can’t sell it, you can’t build it – What you finish is much more important than what you start.

On Seemingly Adversarial Questions – There is no such thing.  Read my take: Prospect Engagement:  I HEART objections!

Pregnant Pipelines Do NOT Win Prizes! – Accuracy wins over size, but it’s still ok to kill more than you can eat.

Trading favors – True dat!


Lessons from my Grandma – Part Two

challengeIn Part One, you met my Grandma Bertha and heard about my first lesson in sales, which she so lovingly taught me.  Fast forward a few decades, long after we lost her.  I was attending a ceremony to establish a scholarship fund in her Daughter’s (my Aunt’s) name at Hofstra University, where my Aunt was the first woman admitted to the PhD program in Psychology (and yes, she earned the degree).

Grandma Bertha lived with my Aunt and cousins in the later years of her life, and I cannot imagine how much wisdom she shared with them that I have yet to discover.  At the ceremony, my cousin Scott revealed another wonderful life lesson from Grandma Bertha in his remarks.  As he was enumerating and extolling my Aunt’s trailblazing accomplishments, he discussed a possible source of her drive to succeed.

He told us about something he heard Grandma Bertha say many times, though I never had the benefit of hearing it until long after she was gone.  Again in her characteristically cute interpretation of English grammar, Scott told us she said “In life, you have to have a challenge.”

Obviously my Aunt, who entered a previously male-dominated profession and went on to great success, and my cousin Scott, a well-respected Attorney in Southern California, used that lesson to help achieve career success.  But I think about selling and how that lesson speaks to us.

We bemoan protracted client buying processes, inane objections, gatekeepers, cocooned decision makers.  But, Grandma Bertha’s lessons teach us we should embrace them as challenges that help us learn and grown.  Challenges make us smarter, better and stronger. Unless, of course, we just whine about them.

Marginalizing Objections

not-listening (1)I recently read a blog post on marginalizing and minimizing objections.  The author detailed various tactics to, essentially, blow the objections away.  Bad idea.  It has fatal downside potential.  If the client feels their ideas are being marginalized, or they are being played, you lose the deal, credibility and any chance to go back.  It is a scorched earth strategy.

Instead, regard objections as requests for more information – a sign of engagement.  Use them as opportunities to increase stakeholder engagement and get more stakeholders on your bus.  For more on this topic, here’s a post from 2012 –  Prospect Engagement: I HEART objections!

Embracing Rejection

Rejection Just Ahead Green Road Sign with Dramatic Storm Clouds and Sky.Rejection.  A miserable term, a theme in literature, drama and a frequent subject discussed in psychotherapy.

A daily occurrence (repeatedly) for sellers.

We react to rejection in three ways generally:

  • IGNORE – If you’ve been coached to “get a thicker skin,” this is likely what you do.  You’ve steeled yourself to accept rejection as coming with the territory. The problem with this approach is that you’re learning nothing from the rejection and are making the same mistakes over and over again.  You close when you have the “ideal” situation; a prospect that might have eventually just bought self-serve from your website.
  • FIGHT – You’ve been thoroughly drilled in “objection handling” and “second effort.”  Rejection is First Quarter and you’re playing till the whistle blows.  Unless you WIN, you incinerate second chances.  You must have a very large territory so you still have ground that hasn’t been burned.
  • DREAD – Rejection hurts, and you take the line of least resistance to avoid it.  “Safe” prospects, “safe” pitch, “soft” close.  Like those who ignore rejection, unless the planets align perfectly, you fail to close.  However, unlike the fighter, these prospects may still take your call another time because you didn’t piss them off.  Unfortunately, they are unlikely to take you very seriously because of this timid approach.

Rejection is a mean, but effective teacher.  But, in order to learn from rejection, you cannot ignore it, robotically fight it, nor live in dread of it and run the other way.  You must embrace rejection and learn how to use it to learn from it.

Embracing rejection does not mean accepting it.  No way, we’re in it to win it.  But, if you don’t learn from rejection, it will continue, unabated, to kill your results.  So, how do you deal with this thing you’ve been taught to ignore, fight or dread?

  1. ACCEPT IT – This is a fact of selling.  People will object and will say no.  It”s gonna happen.  Accepting is different from ignoring because, as you will see, you must process the rejection.
  2. LISTEN TO IT – Don’t just hear it.  Listen to what is being said and not being said.
  3. EMBRACE IT – Take in everything you’ve heard, not heard and put yourself in the prospect’s position to try to understand what may be behind the apparent “no.”   You NEED to understand this thoroughly if you are going to be able to ask insightful questions to get the root of the issue.  It may be a latent objection you have to draw out; or a lack of understanding or misconception about your product/service you need to clarify.

Failure to learn from rejection it is a tragedy which will hold back your professional development.  It’s really a wasted opportunity.


????????????????????Recently, I’ve been researching salesforce automation vendors for expanding emarketing and lead nurturing capabilities.  I’ve gone deep with a couple of vendors, but since I’m a the end user, I made it clear that I was just investigating their product and others would be involved in making the decision.  I did not disclose the name of my company either.

For portions of this project, I’ve been spending time in meetings with IT folks and have been observing their linear approach.  We frequently complain about how long it takes to complete a project, but this linear approach requires problems to be solved before moving to the next step and sometimes, unexpected problems arise.  (Sound like pipeline management?) Testing and validation always take place before the solution goes live, and if a problem is detected, they fix it, then retest.  No shortcuts.   (Hence, our complaining about project delays.)

On Monday, December 30th, I get an unexpected phone call from the sales rep at one of the vendors with whom I was speaking.  He was my original point of contact.  His pitch went something like this:

Seller:  “Hi Mike, I hope you had a good Christmas.”

Me:  “Yup, you?”

S:  “Good, good.  The reason I’m calling is that we’re closing in on a great year and want to finish with a bang.  We want to get all outstanding business in right away, so essentially, we’re having a Fire Sale.”

M:  “I see.”

S:  “For any deals that close today, you can just about name the price.  We’re offering very heavy discounts to hit our goal today.  Are you ready to move forward?”

M:  “Sorry, but there is no deal to be had here.  I told you from the very beginning that I was merely investigating your product’s capabilities and that I was not the decision maker.”

S:  “Yes, I recall, but could you speak with the others today because if you close today, you’ll save a lot of money.”

M:  “Again, I told you there is no deal here and we’re not yet at the point where such a discussion would be appropriate.  I thought I had made it clear that if we felt your product offered the right solution, I would get the rest of the team involved and we would look into your product more thoroughly at that time.  Was I at all unclear about that?”

S:  “No, you were perfectly clear, but…”

M:  “Thanks for calling me, Happy New Year.”

After the call, I sat in amazement.  Literally, I couldn’t believe what I just heard.  I’ve heard hundreds of lousy sales calls, made many more than that, truth be told.  But I’ve never heard one single call do so much damage across such a wide swath.

The most egregious offenses (in descending order of egregiousness):

  • NOT PITCHING THE DECIDER – It’s the #1 reason we don’t get the order.  He knew I was not the decider, pitched me anyway and didn’t close the deal.
  • FAILURE TO QUALIFY/EXPOSE NEED – We had 2-3 conversations about the technical issue we needed to solve, but beyond that, he didn’t even know the name of my company, let alone our buying process, business needs, etc.
  • ASSUMING OBJECTIONS THAT HAVE NOT BEEN EXPRESSED – At no time in the process was cost even discussed.  I had no idea what their pricing model was, let alone the cost to my company.  So a discount was an impotent weapon.

And the damage done (in descending order of severity):

  • COMPANY CONCERNS – If someone is telling their sales reps to hit the phones and drop their shorts on 12/30 to close TODAY, I wonder why?  Is the company in financial distress? Will they be able to support us if we bought from them in the future?  It would be difficult for me to recommend this product if I had such doubts.
  • PRODUCT CONCERNS – If they hire this caliber of sales people/managers, what about their coders/software architects?  And if they take these kinds of shortcuts in the sales process, what shortcuts were taken in product development/testing that could cause breakdowns later.  Buyers want to have confidence in the solutions they buy.
  • SELLER CONCERNS – Nah, not really.  I don’t remember his name and as long as he continues to shoot blanks like this, it is unlikely our paths will cross again and, if so, I would expect a similar outcome.

There are many things that make shortcuts attractive or necessary.  Time, goals, commissions are all factors that add pressure to close deals.  Sometimes you are forced to take some shortcuts to try to speed the sales cycle to conform with your company’s business cycle or your earning needs.  But some shortcuts are not shortcuts at all.  They are the immutable fundamentals of building your business; the blocking and tackling of sales.

The above is a typical result of skipping these fundamentals.  Imagine how well your software would work if the coders skipped some subroutines because they were hurried, or did not test your company’s new website before going live.

More on the blocking and tackling of sales this quarter in future posts.